Thursday, June 25, 2009

Papa! I want a bicycle like them!

Assalamualaikum and good morning...

I did some work just now and now I think I want to relax. So I'm free relaxing so I said to myself, what if I continue writing my post.

Well in the previous post, I wrote about It's Just A Matter of Lifestyle. So now, I will try to reason out, why people likes to buy things which are more than the basic needs. As we know, the basic needs are food, clothes and shelter.

It's irrefutable that there two things in this world which are 'needs' and 'wants'. 'Needs' could be fulfilled easily but 'wants' couldn't be fulfilled easily. Usually wants are a lot.

So that's the basic thing we have to understand. Some people just can't control the 'want' proportion. If they can control it then InsyaAllah they will succeed in the fight.

The second thing, I think, why people are like that is the feeling of competitiveness in themselves. For example, "Oh Abang, our neighbour bought a nice new furniture, why don't we buy new furniture also." After nice new furniture, nice 34 inch TV, then compete in buying a karaoke set etc. etc. etc. and the list goes on.

I've heard from an Ustaz in a Tazkirah said that, when we are living on this world, don't look at somebody who is richer than us. Because we can never override or compete with people. We should look at somebody who is poorer than us. We should be thankful to God.

But in terms of Religion and the faith of Islam, look at somebody who is better than us, try to compete or be more pious than the person, that is better. Don't look to the people who is not good in Religion, because we will not be better worshippers.

So folks, control our wants and don't look at richer people and try to compete with them. We will be at the losing end. Be thankful to God always.

See you guys next time.

Monday, June 22, 2009

It's Just A Matter of Lifestyle

Assalamualaikum and good morning to all...

I'm writing this post from my desk at my office. I have to do at 9.30 a.m. so I have about 10 mins to go hehe.

Well, I was thinking about my life and about life itself. I came up with a few questions. Why was it so important for people going to work? Some people go to work at offices from 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Some of them plough the fields and grow crops and sell them to the market or the wholesaler. Some of them have their own restaurant to look after and operate. If they don't go to work, what will happen? Well it's so, so obvious if they don't go to work, they will not get salary, they will not get any money to buy things.

The second question that came into my head was, what are those 'things' that they will spend on that was so important, that they have to wake up in the morning and go to work? Well if I guessed it right, it must be the most basic things in life... which are food, clothes and shelter. Do you agree on this?

"I bring money to the home to buy food on the table and into your mouths. To put clothes on your bodies and to put shelter on your heads." Is that phrase familiar to you? Hehe.

If that being the case, the case is resolved then. Why? Because it answers my questions of why people go to work... and why people need money.

Is that all?

The answer is HELL NO!!!


This is because, I just don't get it when some people or majority of the people always say that they don't have enough money whether in the middle of the month or end of the month. Some of my friends make jokes of it. They always say like 'hey don't ask money okay... please understand it's the middle of month right...' and they will grin and laugh.

I read lots of articles on financial management, cashflow, bla bla bla and books on them also. Well I got a few answers. And the answers satisfies me. The most pleasurable answer to me is...


Lifestyle will overthrow the mind from basic necessities in life to other sophistaced things in life. For example, if they already have food or basic food, they will have other sophisticated food. And those things will not be cheap. I remembered my brother, who doesn't eat much because he wants to maintain his weight (before this he was 120kgs but took a weight loss product and reduced to 75kgs), bought expensive food. Our mother always nag about this to him. This is what I call sophisticated food.

Other people probably, with the extra money (so they thought) go restaurants or fast food outlets to dine there. If you go to a burger outlet and order a burger, the cost is RM5.95 but if you buy a burger at a burger stall near your neighbourhood, the cost is just RM2.00. See? Basic burger and sophisticated burger. Haha.

It's the same as clothes and houses. They already have basic clothes, now they want stylish, up to date and branded clothes. From a normal house, they rennovate and even decorate the house. All these things cost a lot of money. Sometimes not hundreds but thousands.

The things I demonstrated above are the basic things in life that have been changed or upgraded into sophisticity. What about other things beyond food, clothes and house? ICT products, cars, furniture and thousands and thousands of products out there will surely capture the human eye, brain and heart.

I asked this question to myself? Why do people indulge in these things? Well... probably I'll answer it in the next post...

Until then... take care.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cashflow Boardgame Memang Best

Salam Perpaduan,

Pernah dengar boardgame cashflow? Kalau pernah dengar bagus. Pernah main tak? Kalau pernah main bagus. How was it? Interesting eh? Bagi mereka yang belum pernah bermain, main lah dengan kawan-kawan yang ada boardgame tu.

Cashflow Boardgame dicipta dan dijual oleh Robert T. Kiyosaki, seorang rakyat Amerika berbangsa Jepun. Beliau telah menulis banyak buku berkenaan dengan pengurusan kewangan dan bisnes. Buku tersohornya ialah Rich Dad Poor Dad. Tak pernah dengar? Memang best bukunya. I suggest you find and buy the book.

Saya telah expose kepada Rich Dad Poor Dad pada tahun 2000. Then saya lihat pula dalam internet permainan Cashflow. Tapi nak beli... mahalnya... kalau tak silap saya, nak beli online, RM1000 lebih kurang. Huyooo for a boardgame, we have to spend RM1000? Tapi saya tetap ada hajat untuk membelinya.

Bulan berganti bulan, tahun berganti tahun. Akhirnya dah sampai tahun 2009. Saya surf internet. Dalam surfing tu saya tengoklah orang sedang bicara pasal cashflow boardgame tu. Kalau tak silap mereka berbicara tu dalam tahun-tahun 2007-2008. Rasa irihati beb pada masa tu. Mereka kongsi bagaimana perasaan dan pengalaman mereka main gameboard tu. In my mind, if just I could play that boardgame... :)

Well, dalam pada itu, surf punya surf tiba-tiba saya terjumpalah dengan tidak sengaja seorang blogger yang offer jual cashflow boardgame ni. Saya terus lah menghubunginya. Thank you so much Saudara Afizal. Kalau tak jumpa saudara, tentu saya tak dapat experience bermain permainan tu.

He came to my place in Bandar Seri Putra, dan kita telah bermain bersama-sama. Dia, saya dan isteri. Well saya rasa cukup teruja ketika melihat kotak ungu tersebut. Berat pulak tu. Dan bila saudara Afizal buka kotak boardgame, saya fikir Wow... it's great man!!!! Hahaha.

We played and played dan akhirnya, Saudara Afizal lah yang terror dan telah keluar dari Rat Race. Kami ni masih lah tikus-tikus yang tak berapa cerdik. Takpe... ada ubi ada batas, ada cok boleh gali... But the experience was wonderful. Thank you again Saudara Afizal. Then, we purchased the boardgame from him.

So, para pembaca yang dihormati... playing games are one of the best ways of learning something. Selain dari baca buku dan berkongsi pengalaman, dengan bermain permainan begini dapat meningkatkan lagi ilmu kita apatah lagi... the fun way. That's all for now... :)


Monday, June 1, 2009

Berilmu, beramal, berkongsi

Assalamualaikum semua...

Apa kabar semua? Dalam dunia hari ni di mana ekonomi masih lagi belum stabil, saya harap semuanya masih lagi berada dalam minda yang sihat. Harap-harap belum ada orang yang putus fuse dan nak bunuh diri.

Biarlah tiada siapa yang sudi baca coretan saya melalui blog ni, tapi saya tetap akan menulis. Dah macam jadi kegemaran saya pula. Biarlah saya aje yang baca sendiri hehehe.

Kali ini saya ingin berkongsi sedikit pengetahuan saya tentang Iqra' iaitu membaca. Membaca ialah suatu amalan yang mulia. Melalui membaca, kita dapat mengetahui apa saja perkara. Pilihlah buku-buku atau judul-judul yang menjadi kegemaran kita.

Menurut satu laporan, rakyat Malaysia yang membaca cuma 3% dari populasi rakyat Malaysia yang hampir 30 juta. Itu suatu penemuan yang memeranjatkan. Walau bagaimanapun, kononnya laporan itu tidak lah tepat apabila rakyat Malaysia mengunjungi Pesta Buku di PWTC pada bulan April yang lalu. Menurut sumber, seramai 100,000 pengunjung yang hadir ke Pesta Buku tersebut. Bagi saya, itu masih belum cukup. Apatah lagi pengunjungnya mungkin sekadar mengunjung tetapi bukan untuk membeli buku-buku. Mereka sekadar datang berjalan hujung minggu. :)

What ever it is, rakyat Malaysia harus sedar bahawa kita mempunyai misi dan visi untuk mencapai Wawasan 2020. Kita harus maju ke depan. Kita mestilah menjadi warganegara yang berilmu supaya kita dapat meneruskan agenda pembangunan pemimpin-pemimpin kita seiring dengan dasar-dasar kerajaan. Sesuatu dasar yang dicadangkan dan dilaksanakan tidak dapat berjalan dengan jayanya tanpa komitmen dari rakyat. Jadi terpikul di bahu kita untuk menjadi "thinking citizen" iaitu rakyat yang berfikir. Banyak faedahnya kalau raykat Malaysia berilmu pengetahuan dan dapat berfikir dengan rasional, jauh dan mendalam.

Ilmu bukan sahaja terdapat dalam bentuk bercetak tetapi ada juga dalam bentuk format-format yang lain seperti format eloktronik. Contoh yang paling mudah ialah ilmu-ilmu pengetahuan dari internet. Cuma apa yang ingin saya tegaskan di sini ialah ilmu itu perlu lah yang bermanfaat dan kita sebagai pembaca perlu lah dapat menilai sama ada bahan yang dibaca itu sahih. Ambil lah apa sahaja yang bermanfaat dan tinggalkan sahaja apa yang tidak bermanfaat.

Apabila kita sudah membaca, menghayati dan mendalami sesuatu ilmu itu, kita perlulah amalkan. Buat apa ilmu yang kita ada kita tidak amalkan? Sebagai contoh, kita membaca resepi masakan tertentu dalam buku. Kita mestilah mempraktikkannya dengan memasak resepi itu. Dengan cara itu sahaja kita dapat mengetahui apakah ilmu yang dipelajari itu benar-benar kita faham dan kita dapat.

Sesudah itu, sangat wajarlah ilmu yang kita ada dan praktikkan itu, kita kongsikan. Tetapi kepada mereka yang hendaklah. Hehehe. Ada juga rakan-rakan kita yang kadang-kadang oppose ilmu yang kita hendak kongsi. Apa-apa pun ada dua perkara yang kita akan perolehi dari perkongsian ilmu itu. Pertama, kita dapat mengukuhkan lagi pengetahuan yang sedia ada dalam diri kita. Yang kedua pula, ianya dapat memberi manfaat kepada orang lain andainya ilmu itu berguna. Tapi ilmu yang kita hendak atau telah perolehi mestilah yang berguna bukan? So, kongsilah ilmu yang ada.

Baiklah, setakat ini lah sahaja ingin saya kongsikan. Kalau ada coretan yang tidak kena atau mengguris perasaan haraplah di maafkan. Semoga perkara yang ingin saya kongsikan itu dapat memberikan manfaat kepada para pembaca.